Doğuş Group believes that its employee’s positive and conscious attitudes towards environment will lead to more constructive and solution-oriented steps on environmental issues.

Therefore, employee awareness and trainings make up the basis of the environmental responsibility strategy of Doğuş Group.

Doğuş Group published its Environmental Responsibility Policy in the Doğuş Group 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Details on policies are available under the title of CSR Management Approach.


Employees are the foundation of Doğuş Group’s environmental awareness approach. The precondition for the environmental responsibility concept, to be taken into consideration in business processes with a priority, is the participation of employees in these processes. To carry out every environmental practice successfully, employee awareness has been determined as primary focus.


The Environmental Responsibility Policy of Doğuş Group commits to procure and use energy efficiently, cost-effectively and responsibly. Therefore, all Group companies are encouraged to preserve natural resources and to conduct necessary awareness programs for reducing carbon emissions. Doğuş Group supports all energy efficiency programs in accordance with its environmental responsibility policy.


Each Doğuş Group company carries out its operations through its own strategies and policies specific to its fields of activity and impacted social and environmental areas. Waste management is one of the main subjects that environmental responsibility policies focus on. The overall strategy for Waste Management at Doğuş Group is founded on six principles: Measuring, Understanding, Goal Setting, Management, Processes and Stakeholder Engagement.

Doğuş Group companies have detailed waste management and disposal processes, according to their products and services.